
Japan Australia IT (JAIT) では、オーストラリアでITやマーケティングをはじめ、その他様々な分野で頑張っている方々、現在就職に向け頑張っている方々、またビジネスや起業に興味のある方や現在勉強中の方々等、業界の最新トレンドや情報の交換を目的としているグループです。


The 38th JAIT – IP(Intellectual Property) – IT/Japan/Startup by Joe Seisdedos at Atlassian
The 37th JAIT – 毎年恒例 JAIT – Bonenkai(忘年会) 2017
The 34th JAIT – Entrepreneurship and Cross Cultural Marketing by Yoshinori Sakuno



イベント:第1回 JAIT アデレードキックオフ Network meeting – 40th in JAIT event


場所:East of Norman – 50 Sturt St, Adelaide SA 5000


通常はスピーカーをお呼びしキーノートを行っていますが、アデレードでの第1回目はキックオフイベントとして、より多くの方に気軽に来ていただけるよう、食事をしながらのカジュアルなネットワークイベントとなります。JAIT代表のMizoshiri Ayumiさんもシドニーより参加します。




Booking is from Facebook or Meetup or Eventbrite
Booking Form







English Version

Adelaide, greetings from JAIT.

Japan Australia IT (JAIT) is an association facilitating the exchange of ideas, information and current industry trends with professionals in marketing, IT and other related fields, current job seekers, current students and those with an interest in business and entrepreneurship,

Our history of public events in Australia starts in 2013. We hold seminars and networking events in Sydney and Melbourne and now will offer the similar events here in Adelaide. To give newcomers an idea of what to expect moving forward, here are a few links to some of our past events.

The 38th JAIT – IP(Intellectual Property) – IT/Japan/Startup by Joe Seisdedos at Atlassian

The 37th JAIT – 毎年恒例 JAIT – Bonenkai(忘年会) 2017

The 34th JAIT – Entrepreneurship and Cross Cultural Marketing by Yoshinori Sakuno

Today we announce our first Adelaide networking event.

Event: Adelaide Kick off networking meeting.
When: Friday 15th of June from 6pm.
Where: TBA in an Adelaide CBD restaurant.
Fee: Complimentary entry but participants are expected to cover their own food and drink charges

Usually we feature keynote speakers at our seminars and rather as this is our kick-off event in Adelaide, we would like to keep it as informal and attend-able as possible. Our first Adelaide event will be a casual networking dinner and drinks with our Sydney office head, Mr Ayumi Mizoshiri.

If spending some time with JAIT seems right for you or colleagues with interests in the industry, please reserve your place at the table using this link.

Booking is from Facebook or Meetup or Eventbrite
Booking Form

Thank you and we are looking forward to meeting professionals and career minded individuals in Adelaide!

Kana Mackie


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