Thank you for coming to the 29th JAIT meeting – オーストラリアでの仕事の探し方 by Advantage Professional & Atlassianの紹介.
We had 48 attendees and it was an excellent night. We had 2 great speakers, Naho-san from Atlassina and Mari-san from Advantage Professional. 
Also thank Mike-san and Pavel-san, for organizing/helping this event happen.


We made a survey for last night, if you attended last night meeting, please answer this survey.


This the side from Naho-san.

Once again, we thank you all for coming and we look forward to seeing you at next JAIT event.

List of people who came

Developer/Engineer 11名
Designer&UI/UX/Graphics 6名
Marketing 3名
Accounting/Finance 5名
Consulting 4名
Network Engineer 2名
Business 3名
Sales 2名
Support 1名
Student 2名
Etc 9名
All 48名

More photos are here in Facebook page or Meetup.

If you have any questions or request please contact to us 🙂


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