Thank you for supporting JAIT.
Our next meeting will be the Bonenkai for 2023 in Sydney.
We are throwing a Bonenkai to celebrate the end of 2023!
Also, we are looking for sponsors to contribute to the Bonenkai Prizes.
What is Bonenkai(忘年会)?
A bōnenkai (忘年会 literally “forget the year gathering”?) is a Japanese drinking party that takes place at the end of the year and is generally held among groups of co-workers or friends. The purpose of the party, as its name implies, is to forget the woes and troubles of the past year, and hopefully look to the new year, usually by consumption of large amounts of alcohol. A bōnenkai does not take place on any specific day, but they are usually held in December. (From Wiki)
Bonenkai Prizes
We will have prizes for the winners of the games at our Bonenkai. If you are aware of any companies that can donate prizes, please let us know. In return for their contributions, we could promote their products or services. If your company is able to provide prizes, kindly contact 🙂
6:30pm – Party start
6:40pm – Greeting from Ayumi
7:45pm – Jyanken Prize
9:00pm – End
Time:6:30 pm 21/12/2023 (Thu)
Place: Daruma Haymarket
Floor 2 2/8 Quay St, Haymarket NSW 2000
Needs:Business Card or Linkedin Account
About organizers

Ayumi Mizoshiri | 溝尻 歩
Ayumi is a Web/Mobile Apps developer with a wealth of experience developing for startups and other innovative projects across Japan and Australia.
He founded IT consulting company – for small & middle size of businesses. He also founded the Japan Australia IT Group (JAIT) which has grown to over 350 members since humble beginnings in 2009. Worked and working several startups such SMS coupon, mobile payment, legal platform and eduction platform.
大学卒業後、大阪のIT企業でシステム開発&サーバ運営を担当。2009年よりシドニーに移住。ITコンサルティング、SMSクーポン、モバイルペイメントアプリ、法律系スタートアップ、教育スタートアップを手掛ける。またIT技術者、オンラインマーケティング系の情報交換・親睦の場として、シドニーにJAIT(Japan Australia IT)を設立。参加者間のネットワーキングやスタートアップ支援を目的として活動中。
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Pascha Aksenkin
Pascha is a Software Developer. For 4 years he has been working on a screenshotting application in Moscow, Russia. Then in 2016, he moved to Australia to work on integrating 3rd party applications.
This is where Pascha started learning Japanese, and once went to JAIT meetup, where he met quite a few interesting people, including Ayumi M. and Ayumi T. Since then he visited almost every other JAIT event in Sydney and hosted some of those at Atlassian space, in pursuit of understanding Japanese speech and culture.
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