We successfully hosted the JAIT event. We were thrilled to welcome approximately 15 attendees!
Thank you all for making this event a success.
Thank you for supporting the JAIT Group.
Next JAIT will in in Hokkaido!!
The 2nd(88th) meeting will be a networking night. We look forward to meeting Hokkaido people 🙂
Please bring your business card or LinkedIn account and let’s meet and exchange ideas and information.
We look forward to meeting you!!!
Time:6:30PM 08/07/2024 (Mon)
Place:個室ダイニング 楽蔵 札幌駅前店
北海道札幌市中央区北四条西3-1-1 TJ札幌駅前ビル 2F
Needs: Business Card or Linkedin Account
About organizers

Tomohiro Uchimura
I worked as a system engineer and project leader in developing and introducing systems related to television stations in Hokkaido for 11 years. After that, I decided to study abroad and enrolled in a language school in Sydney, then I graduated from the Computer Science Master’s course at Flinders University in Adelaide.
Currently, I’m working as the department head of Sazae Japan’s SaaS team, and am involved in various SaaS system projects.
その後、留学を決意し、シドニーの語学学校へ入学。そしてオーストラリアのフリンダース大学にてComputerScienceのMasterコースを卒業する。現在はSazae JapanのSaaSチームの部長として、様々なSaaSシステムのプロジェクトに携わっている。
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Yutaka Matsuyama
Since 2009, I have honed my skills as a full-stack software engineer and worked as a project leader on a new development project for a CG system for sports programs for broadcasting stations. Later, I was also involved in developing a subtitle system used by the master room of the broadcast station. Since 2022, I have been working on SaaS development including ServiceNow at Sazae Japan.
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Ayumi Mizoshiri | 溝尻 歩
Ayumi is a Web/Mobile Apps developer with a wealth of experience developing for startups and other innovative projects across Japan and Australia.
He founded IT consulting company – sazae.com.au for small & middle size of businesses. He also founded the Japan Australia IT Group (JAIT) which has grown to over 350 members since humble beginnings in 2009. Worked and working several startups such SMS coupon, mobile payment, legal platform and eduction platform.
大学卒業後、大阪のIT企業でシステム開発&サーバ運営を担当。2009年よりシドニーに移住。ITコンサルティング、SMSクーポン、モバイルペイメントアプリ、法律系スタートアップ、教育スタートアップを手掛ける。またIT技術者、オンラインマーケティング系の情報交換・親睦の場として、シドニーにJAIT(Japan Australia IT)を設立。参加者間のネットワーキングやスタートアップ支援を目的として活動中。
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