Thank you for your continued support of the JAIT Group!

We hope everyone is doing well. We’re pleased to announce that we have another opportunity for the Sydney JAIT meetup.
We’re looking forward to reconnecting with everyone.
JAIT will host a networking and social gathering at Daruma in Haymarket this time.



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Date: 04/04/2025(Friday) 18:30〜 22:00
Venue: Daruma Haymarket
Floor 2 2/8 Quay St, Haymarket NSW 2000
Everyone splits the cost of food and drink at the end of the event.

Booking Form

About organizers

Takanori Irizuki | 入月貴紀

Born in Japan, raised in Saipan for 3 years and Australia for 17 years, bringing 20 years of overseas experience. From the age of 14, I worked in a restaurant and became a shop manager over the course of 7 years. After graduating from Macquarie University with degrees in Finance and Economics, I gained experience as an intern at BT (Westpac Group) and managed workforce data for a car loan company. I then served as an accountant at Optus. In 2021, I founded Borlen Pty Ltd, a tool lending and borrowing app. Currently, I am involved in procurement at QBE Insurance and have also established a Japanese community, JAS, for working Japanese holidaymakers and students. I actively organize various events, including information exchange sessions, career development workshops, and English conversation events.
日本生まれ、サイパン (3年) とオーストラリア (17年)で育ち、20年の海外経験を持つ日本人
Macquarie大学でファイナンス学部と経済学部 を卒業後
BT(Westpac Group)銀行でインターンを経験
車のローン会社で人事データを 管理
2021年には株式会社Borlen (物の貸し借りアプリ)を立ち上げ
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Nanami Kato | 加藤 那々実

Nanami specialises in sales management, customer relations, and team development across multiple industries, including retail, hospitality, education, and IT. After opening new branches and managing five stores over seven years with the Fast Retailing group in Japan (known for the Uniqlo brand), she moved to Australia in 2019 to fulfil her ‘Ikigai’ (purpose in life) of being a bridge between Japan and the world. Currently pursuing an MBA to support the business expansion of Japanese companies in Australia.
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Ayumi Mizoshiri | 溝尻 歩

Ayumi is a Web/Mobile Apps developer with a wealth of experience developing for startups and other innovative projects across Japan and Australia.
He founded IT consulting company – for small & middle size of businesses. He also founded the Japan Australia IT Group (JAIT) which has grown to over 350 members since humble beginnings in 2009. Worked and working several startups such SMS coupon, mobile payment, legal platform and eduction platform.
大学卒業後、大阪のIT企業でシステム開発&サーバ運営を担当。2009年よりシドニーに移住。ITコンサルティング、SMSクーポン、モバイルペイメントアプリ、法律系スタートアップ、教育スタートアップを手掛ける。またIT技術者、オンラインマーケティング系の情報交換・親睦の場として、シドニーにJAIT(Japan Australia IT)を設立。参加者間のネットワーキングやスタートアップ支援を目的として活動中。
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